
por Gebaldo José de Sousa

Productive Mediumistic Meetings - Part 1

“The true Spiritist is recognized for his moral transformation and for his efforts to tame his evil inclinations”.1


The formation of the group requires a lot of caution

Herminio2 examines the issue in chapter I of “Dialogue…” to choose like-minded people, studious and committed to the seriousness that the task requires is what “(...) demands ... renunciation, dedication, attendance, tolerance, study and love.” And yet, the group will be heterogeneous.

As for the size of the group, he agrees that it should be from four to eight people, as suggested by Leon Denis; but in his opinion it can work even with two; and that, above eight, the task becomes difficult; and over twelve makes its effectiveness conflictive.

Attendance - Reasons


Not even family parties - birthdays and others - justify absences!

And the constant tours?

If there are three unjustified absences4, replace the medium.

“(...) the spiritual mentors choose, for each one that manifests, the medium best suited considering the characteristics of mediumship or the nature of the work to be done. (...) the Spirit, upon returning, in subsequent times, will return... by the same medium. If the medium is missing ... the work is suspended. (...) the attendance of mediums and continuity of work are vital to their good performance”. 5


“If you want to participate in the tasks of a particular group, you must make sure you are willing to do constructive and disciplined work”. 6

Difficult to remove someone - In Chapter II, he recognizes the fact, but is categorical:

“(...) if... it is necessary to remove a companion, we will have to do so. Fulfilling the unpleasant mandate with love, balance and serenity, but also with firmness”.7

Advantages to honor mediumship commitments - They are extraordinary!

“The medium - who does his job well - performs two reincarnations in one”. 8

“62. Why are there mediums who feel so uneasy in the days before mediumistic practice and others feel nothing?

“Test for the medium. Allan Kardec speaks of natural and test mediums. The test mediums are those who pick up communications before and suffer because of them. It is a form of self-purification.

This will be credited to lessen his debt of certain diseases and moral problems that would comeAs the Spirit becomes coupled with the medium, it is with its burden of suffering diminished and the sensitive with his increased. The pain is divided: the medium suffers and rescues; the Spirit suffers less, receiving the benefits of anonymous charity, complemented by the moment of enlightenment, and the shock of the soul”.9

Gospel in the Home

It is important for anyone, but for members of mediumistic meetings it is mandatory and assumes unimaginable relevance. It becomes an extension of this noble task.

It gives us balance; inspirations of the Good Spirits; and benefits:

“The foundation of the Gospel in the Home is to create a healthy psyche for the family, not the psyche of sick beings”. 10

“Besides the disembodied companions who stay in or near their homes, there are other brothers already free from their physical garmentespecially those who remain from the spiritual tasks in the group, who gather support and teaching, consolation and relief, from Spiritist conversation, and prayer in the Home.11

There are mediums with very serious obsessions in their families, and yet they refuse to do what would give them "(...) a healthy psyche (...)".

Failed Mediums

Warnings prevent us from the suffering directed towards those who do not fulfill their duties before reincarnating, as opportunities to atone for our past mistakes and to evolve!

Regarding this issue, the Noble Spirits and renowned scholars of the Spiritist Doctrine offer us valuable guidance.

In chapter 3 of the book “The Messengers” 12 there are reports of various mediums who failed in their tasks and the errors that motivated them.

The full chapters 7, 10 and 11 of this same work indicate experiences of other mediums who also failed, missing precious opportunities to rescue failures and to rise.

Chapter 7 refers to the fall of Octavius, who prepared himself "(...) for thirty consecutive years to return to Earth in a mediumistic task (...)."

All the indicated chapters (3, 7, 10, and 11) deserve to be read and meditated, so as not to incur equal or greater falls.

“The medium, more than those who do not have the faculty, is a being on probation.” 13

“The medium is essentially a Spirit in probation, rescuing misconceptions and debts that remained in its moral rearguard”.14

The "Message to the Mediums" - from the book Emmanuel 15, of the Spirit of the same name, is of linear clarity as to our commitments as workers of the Spiritist Doctrine! We should study it periodically.

Watch and pray

Herminio C. Miranda16 recommends that we cultivate vigilance on a daily basis, and that mediumship is of all times, not limited to the brief moments dedicated to the dialogue with Spirits.

The Spiritist Doctrine (...) admits in man the free will in all its fullness. By telling him that, by doing evil, he gives in to a bad suggestion that comes from outside, leaves him with all responsibility, because he is aware of the power to resist (...). Thus, according to the Spiritist Doctrine, there is no irresistible entrainment: man can always close his ears to the hidden voice that speaks to him, inducing him to evil, as he can close them to the material voice of someone who speaks to him. Man can do it with his own will, asking God for the necessary strength and claiming for this purpose the assistance of the Good Spirits. This is what Jesus taught us in the sublime prayer of the Sunday Prayer, when He tells us to say, Do not let us fall into temptation, but deliver us from evil”. 17 [Our emphasis]

This article will be completed in the next issue of this magazine.



1. KARDEC, Allan. The Gospel According to SpiritismTranslated by Evandro Noleto Bezerra. 2nd ed. 1st print. Brasilia: FEB, 2013. Chapter 17, item 4, p. 229

2. Miranda, C. Herminio. Dialogue with the shadows. 25th ed. First print Brasilia: FEB, 6/2014. Chapter 2, p. 23

3. XAVIER, Francisco C. and VIEIRA, Waldo. Disobsession. By the Spirit Andre Luiz. 16. Ed. Brasilia: FEB, 1997. Chapter 7, p. 42.

4. XAVIER, Francisco C. and VIEIRA, Waldo. Disobsession. By the Spirit Andre Luiz. 16. Ed. Brasilia: FEB, 1997. Chap. 63, p. 219

5. Miranda, C. Herminio. Dialogue with the shadows. 25th ed. First print Brasilia: FEB, 6/2014. Chapter 1, p. 49/50.

6. Miranda, C. Herminio. Dialogue with the shadows. 25th ed. First print Brasilia: FEB, 6/2014. Chapter 2, p. 105

7. Miranda, C. Herminio. Dialogue with the shadows. 25th ed. First print Brasilia: FEB, 6/2014. Chapter 2, p. 59.

8. MANOEL PHILOMENO DE MIRANDA PROJECT. Quality in Mediumistic Practice12th ed. Salvador: LEAL, 2000, p. 71

9. MANOEL PHILOMENO DE MIRANDA PROJECT. Quality in Mediumistic Practice. 12 th ed. Salvador: LEAL, 2000, p. 80/1.

10. MANOEL PHILOMENO DE MIRANDA PROJECT. Quality in Mediumistic Practice. 12 th ed. Salvador: LEAL, 2000, p. 71

11. XAVIER, Francisco C. and VIEIRA, Waldo. DisobsessionBy the Spirit Andre Luiz. 16. Ed. Brasilia: FEB, 1997. Chap. 70, p. 239

12. XAVIER, F. Candido. The Messengers. By the Spirit Andre Luiz. 12 th ed. Rio de Janeiro, 1980. Chap. 3, 7, 10 and 11, p. 21, 41, 57 and 62, respectively.

13. MIRANDA, C. Herminio. Dialogue with the shadows. 25 th ed. First impression Brasilia: FEB, 6/2014. Chapter 2, p. 62.

14. MANOEL PHILOMENO DE MIRANDA PROJECT. Quality in Mediumistic Practice. 12. ed. Salvador: LEAL, 2000, p. 13

15. XAVIER, Francisco C. Emmanuel. By the Spirit Emmanuel. 28 th ed. 3rd print Brasilia: FEB, 7/2014. Chapter 11, p. 75

16. MIRANDA, C. Herminio. Dialogue with the shadows. 25 th ed. First print Brasilia: FEB, 6/2014. Chapter 2, p. 51

17. KARDEC, Allan. The Book of SpiritsTranslation by Evandro Noleto Bezerra. 1st ed. Commemorative of the Centenary. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2006. Q. 872, p. 470.

Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita