
por Eurípedes Kühl

Body diseases and soul sicknesses

Both Medicine and Spiritism explain the emergence of new diseases, more serious, by genetic mutation, or by new viruses.

In fact, there are organic diseases and soul sicknesses...

There is one truth regarding “new, more serious diseases”: the Planet Earth has always had a life reaper on duty at all times. Just remembering: leprosy, cholera, the “black plague”, smallpox, “Spanish flu”, tuberculosis, syphilis, malaria, AIDS...

Directly and objectively, what is concrete about genetic mutations of viruses and bacteria is that it does happen, assuming that they are becoming increasingly resistant to the drugs that fight them.


Viruses are microscopic infectious agents, being up to 10,000 times smaller than most bacteria.

There is no mistaking virus for bacteria: both cause diseases, sometimes fatal, but biologically they are completely different:

- The virus is an obligatory cellular parasite, but is nothing more than an infectious particle that can only reproduce within the cells of other living beings;

The bacterium is a living organism, made up of a single cell that has everything it needs to live.

There are countless diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. I mention just a few:

a. Diseases caused by viruses: Ebola, herpes, smallpox, common influenza, poliomyelitis, rotavirus, hepatitis (A, B or C), chikungunya, dengue, rabies, AIDS, mumps, measles, chickenpox, rubella, meningitis, pneumonia, HPV (Papilloma Virus), etc.

b. Diseases caused by bacteria: tuberculosis, tetanus, syphilis, diphtheria, leprosy (leprosy), trachoma, cholera, pertussis, etc.


Now, in a subjective, Spiritist response, I believe that that genetic mutations result from moral causes, caused by psychic elements, arising from the lack of personal vigilance of the sick, incarnate and discarnate. Such mutations, of course, are not explained by Science.

New viral diseases, lethal - or the return of some already extinct - may be explained by the “incarnation” or “reincarnation” of viruses, housed in the perispirit, making their host sick. So, besides the physical diseases, there are the sicknesses of the soul...

Several Spiritual Instructors report that the ravings of human behavior produce malignant effluvia (highly negative energy) which, absorbed by the so-called “psychic viruses”, end up even hosted in the perispirit, causing psychic damage in those disembodied, and physical damage in the embodied, through “transmigration".

Briefly, the opinion of some of these Instructors:

● Psychic virus: “Brother John”, a High Spirit, director of a Mental Hospital in the Spiritual Plane, reports that some of the unfortunate Spirits received there carry detrimental dangers, to disembodied and even to those embodied. The director explained: the mere approach of them to someone (incarnate), without moral defenses, or to children, can cause them to disincarnate; he also states that “psychic viruses” are incarnated and that the antidote must be analogous, i.e., harmonization in opposite energies, also psychic. [Book “Memoirs of a Suicide”, by the Spirit Camilo Candido Botelho,  psychographic of Yvonne A. Pereira, chap. III “The Mental House”, pages 248 and 249, 5th Ed., 1975, FEB, RJ / RJ.]

● Germs of perversion: The spiritual nurse Lisias informs Andre Luiz (Spirit) that only by the procedure of just duty he (Andre) would get rid of the perversion germs of divine health, added to his perispirit, by moral carelessness. I believe that Andre Luiz, passing on this "self-information", does so by teaching humility, exemplarily. [Book “Our Home”, Andre Luiz, a psychographics by Francisco Candido Xavier, chap. 5; Receiving Assistance, p. 39, 48th Ed., 1998, FEB, RJ / RJ.]

● Psychic germs and bacilli of a psychic nature: The Spirit Andre Luiz records that he saw the strangest psychic bacilli acting as vampires, completely unknown in the most advanced microbiology. Then Alexander, the Spiritual Teacher, explains that anger, intemperance, sex ravings, addictions of various shades, disrupt the physiological organization. In the same way, despair, hatred, and vice provide the ground for dangerous psychic germs in the soul sphere, with body ailments and psychic degenerations. Such larvae carry vigorous animal magnetism. Alexander points out that the role of the superior is to help the inferior, referring to the protection due to animals. As indebted children to God and Nature, we must continue the educational work, awakening the incarnate companions to the new age, in which animals will be respected. [Book “Missionaries of Light”, Spirit Andre Luiz, psychographics by Francisco Candido Xavier, chap. 4 - Vampirism, pages 35-44, 21st Ed., 1988, FEB, RJ / RJ.]

● Mental worms: Instructor Calderaro teaches about sick minds, the bearers of mental worms that cause sadness and nonconformity; deliberate evil is a sickness of the soul; hatred is a terrible morbid (disease, sickness). Millions of Spirits remain in the flesh under the guante (despotic authority, iron hand) of atrocious dementia. The Spiritual Protectors help those most unhappy interfering with the solution of scabrous problems in which they themselves get entangled, like "goblins in despair", victims of themselves, in a terrible harvest of thorns and delusions. At the end of the chapter the Instructor begins the direct assistance service (the laying on of the hands), imposing the right hand on the left frontal lobe of an embodied patient. [Book “In the Greater World”, Andre Luiz / Francisco Candido Xavier - chap. 3 “The Mental House,” pages 48 to 50, 7th Ed., 1977, FEB, RJ / RJ.]

● Mentally incubated bacteria: Gubio – the Spiritual Instructor - clarifies that they are microbial entities that live and reproduce in the mental field of the millions of persons who entertain them, and who flock to the cells that attract and absorb them (...), forming in the body the idealized illness. They are sometimes necessary tests, and when the patient reacts valiantly against evil, he finds immense resources to concentrate on the good, integrating into the victorious stream of life. [Book “Liberation”, Andre Luiz / Francisco Candido Xavier, chap. II “The Instructor's Lecture,” pages 30 and 31 K, 6th Ed., 1974, FEB, RJ / RJ.]

● Fluidic virus: The Spirit Andre Luiz, duly authorized by the Spiritual Instructor Gubio, interviews the unfortunate Spirit of a (discarnate) mother, in deplorable perispiritic conditions, who, when widowed, lost all her balance and left home, handing her children to responsible family members. Asked if she still could not return home, she reportedly cried that she had tried, but when touching her beloved children with affection she caused them to feel distress and they became sick… Her radiance poisoned their delicate flesh through their breath, inoculating them with dreadful fluidic viruses. She ran away in panic... [Book “Liberation”, Andre Luiz / Francisco Candido Xavier, chap. XVII “Brotherly Assistance”, p. 219, 6th Ed., 1974, FEB, RJ / RJ.]

● psychic vibrios and extravagant parasites: The Spirit of Dr. Manoel P.de Miranda, speaking about the psychosphere at Carnival celebrations, records that vicious minds drench themselves in those vibrios and parasites. All the sick need indoctrination, to receive unobtrusive therapeutic resources, and be treated with kindness and respect. And most importantly, they should be educated in the light of the Gospel. [Book “On the Borders of Insanity”, a psychographics by Divaldo P. Franco, item “Disobsessive Therapy”, p. 18, 9th Ed., 1997, LEAL-Publisher, Salvador / BA.]


On "psychic viruses", for my part, I do not mean at all that all patients have had wild behavior in this or in other past lives, or have maintained mental “hypochondria". I have only, reproduced the opinion of friendly Spirits.

If I made a mistake, I pray that any readers will notice, because I'm just a researcher, a very primary one.

Medicine cures body ailments, among other resources, with vaccines, biological tests, medicines and medical procedures.

Spiritism recommends an unfailing remedy for those who identify in themselves sicknesses of the soul: Gospel therapy, associated with their internal self-reform.

Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita