
por Lívia Prada Seneda

Music has an impact on everyone, not only on those who like it

The sentence above sums up the thought of Moacyr Camargo (foto), a musician, songwriter and founding member of the Brazilian Association of Spiritist Artists (Abrart).

He became a Spiritist in1984 and is still an active member of the Antonio Pereira de Souza Kardecist Centre, in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. He was Director of the Arts Department of USE, the state of São Paulo Spiritist Union. Since 1992 he has been taking part in Spiritist activities in the city of Sacramento, in the state of Minas Gerais.

He has taken part in many Spiritist events and has played in the opening of talks given by some of the best known Brazilian Spiritist speakers, such as Divaldo Franco, Raul Teixeira and Haroldo Dutra.

He has published nine CDs with his songs, a DVD with video clips of childrens’ songs, a DVD with instrumental music and a song book, as he explains in the following interview.

How did you first get involved with Spiritist music?

My music career began in the 1970s, singing with bands in dancing venues and balls. We played rock music, which was the predominant style at the time, and our brand travelled a lot. After a while, we began writing our songs and took part in many music festivals, competing with the material we produced. We won one the regional festivals in the city of Maringá with the song Terra Azul (Blue Earth), which was included later in a compilation album. We also played in 1992 at the world environment conference, Rio-92, and travelled around the country as the opening act to the famous Brazilian singer, Almir Sater.

Tells us more about your music-writing routine?

After I became a Spiritist in 1984, I began writing songs that focused on beauty, happiness, the freedom of thought and spirituality. I then began feeling the inspiration in the vibrations around me. I felt the intuition, suggesting the issues I should write about. I could actually feel the good vibrations I was getting inside me. So it has become clear to me that I am being guided and inspired through in the creative process, but I have to put in a lot of hard work to finish the songs.

Tell us about your latest work.

I have just finished producing a trilogy, three albums entitled “The New Era with Jesus.” The lyrics are about the higher achievements in our lives and remind us that we can build a new type of relationship with Christ. I feel like we are happy Spirits who are helping Our Master in the changes that will lead us into a new era.

In the answer to question 251 of The Spirits’ Book, which says that “For spirits, music has infinite charm…” What is the best way of making a positive use of music on our daily lives?

First of all, we need to understand and become aware of our immortality. We need to accept that there is a future life and that we are destined to reach harmony and beauty. Once we become aware of that we are immortal spirits, we will choose a form of art that nourishes our spirit and lifts our thoughts. It is all a matter of affinity. We will then be able to live our material life on Earth surrounded by Spirituality and “endless beauty”.  

Can even those who don’t like music benefit from it?

Yes, music doesn’t have an impact only on those who like it. Its impact on animals and things doesn’t require reciprocity. It is like the sun, which has an effect on everything and everyone. Music has an impact on the mineral, vegetal and animal kingdoms. And it shines with divine beauty on the angelical kingdom. We may, obviously, reject a particular musical style, but the influence that kind of music has on us is beyond our control. Music has an impact on our memory and it gives movement to the memories we keep. And the feelings we have are music’s entry gates.

Would you like to make a final comment?

The book Nos Domínios da Mediunidade, dictated by the spirit André Luiz to the medium, Francisco Cândido Xavier, says that the arts are, in the same way as science, much richer and more developed in the Spirit World because there is a much more efficient education system in place there regarding aesthetics and culture.

I would like, therefore, to highlight the importance of the arts in the education of children. Parents must be aware to that reality, as their children are reincarnated spirits who bring in from previous lives their memories. We must bear in mind that their attitudes, like our attitudes in previous lives, may not have been in accordance to the laws of God. That’s why we bring our conflicts and issues to be worked on in this life. Films, songs, music in general, games, the theatre, images and apps all have an impact and influence people’s personality. It all depends on how long they spend exposed to those media or how much we use them. We should choose works that reflect the best of the Spiritual World to educate the immortal Spirits who are now reincarnating. We are, after all, destined to eventually reach the eternal beauties of the Spirit World. Let’s look after us and let’s look after our children through the arts.



Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita