Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: Charity and detachment


Lucia’s mother was getting ready for another visit to needy families in a very poor neighborhood of the city. She used to do this every weekend. She carried food and attention. Friends gave her groceries and during the visits she talked, spoke of the teachings of the Gospel and often also prayed with the families, encouraging faith in the suffered hearts.

Lucia's mother called her saying:

- Daughter, I'm going to visit a family today that has a girl younger than you. I separated some clothes of your clothes that no longer fit you. I would like you to choose some toys that you don’t play anymore to give as well.

Lucia's mother spoke naturally, thinking that there would be no problem for the daughter to attend to her request. But that was not what happened. Lucia had been too attached to her belongings. Her clothes and toy closets were full. She could not find a place to keep the new things she earned, but she still didn’t want to get rid of anything. So, when she heard her mother's words, she answered loudly, sharply:

- What? I don’t want to give anything! I play with all my toys. Just because I have not played with some of them, it doesn’t mean that I will not play anymore!

Nervously, she took the clothes from the bag, which her mother had separated and decided not to give them either.

- But these clothes do not fit you, Lucia. And there's a girl in need.

- I know, mother but they are beautiful, I like them very much and I want to keep them to myself. Here's my favorite blouse and reminds me of my ballet lessons.

The blouse was white, printed with a pair of beautiful pink ballet shoes, trimmed with a satin lace.

Lucia's mother was very disappointed in the girl's reaction but instead of trying to convince her, she just said:

- All right, daughter, you decide. But, you know what? I think you're already grown up and you can join me. Today I'm going to take you with me, let's go out together and after the visit we can take a walk.

Lucia liked the idea. She wanted to go out with her mother.

- Yay! So, I'll change and put on my new dress!

- No, daughter, you'd better put on a very simple outfit. The people we are going to visit can be upset if we show that we have beautiful new clothes and they don’t. Put on an older one, very comfortable, simple outfit that will be better - taught mom.

Lucia was a bit worried about what the visit would be like, but she obeyed her mother's recommendation.

When they arrived at the place, Lucia was surprised, because she did not imagine that the house was so simple, with so many needs. The housewife received them with joy. Lucia helped carry a box of packages of food and gave it to the woman, who thanked her very much.

Then they sat down and began to talk. Lucia’s eyes watched over and she began to realize that there were many things missing: space, food, furniture, comfort and much more.

The housewife then called her daughter who was outside. She had long, embarrassed hair, wore faded clothes and a slipper that was smaller than her feet.

The girl looked at Lucia, gave a smile and said:

- Do you want to play?

Lucia thanked her but said she didn’t want to. She made the excuse that she was helping her mother. In fact, she was uncomfortable. It was something new to her to know a house so poorer than her own.

The girl remained there, sitting on the floor playing with chopsticks that she had brought from outside.

After some time, Lucia asked:

- What is your name?

- Luiza - said the girl.

- My name also begins with Lu. My name is Lucia.

Little by little, Lucia began to talk to Luiza, and when she left with her mother, she said good-bye with a smile to her new friend.

That visit made Lucia change. Knowing the material difficulties that Luiza's family was experiencing, she realized how much she could help the new friend, without any injury to herself, giving only what she no longer used.

The other week, it was the turn of another home to be visited. But Lucia asked her mother to go back to Luiza's house. This time she took lots of clothes and toys. Luiza was so happy that she gave a cry of joy to see that all this was for her.

Lucia showed off her favorite blouse and asked:

- Does it suit you?

Luiza, seeing that beautiful clothes, dressed them at once and began to jump, imitating, vibrant, the steps of ballet Lucia taught her.

The two children had a good time dancing together. Luiza was happy in her new blouse, and Lucia was happier still, glad with what she had provided for her friend.

Lucia's mother, watching the scene with tears in her eyes, thanked God for her daughter to have discovered what she had also learned: that doing charity makes very good to the heart!

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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