Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: Friendship

True friends

There was a farm where lived a beautiful bat cub. It had bright black hair. It had long wings, with which he flew very fast and made impressive tricks.

The little bat was also very comrade. He was always cheerful and enjoyed the company of his friends. Almost all the puppies on the farm were very nice too. But among them was the vulture cub, which, after a time of acquaintanceship, began to mock the bat. He said that, besides being ugly, the little bat was weird because he laid headlong on the branches, only liked to go out at night and a lot of things that were no problem but which the vulture made them look like they were.

The friends, influenced by the vulture, gradually began to despise the bat without valuing the great friend he was.

The bat was so upset that he did not want to leave his den. He spent the nights inside, looking sad. When someone in his family called him to fly, he said that he was tired and he would rather not go.

Sometimes he would come back to the vulture and his gang, believing they could treat him better but he was always disappointed and would come home hurt.

One day, his mother wanted to talk about what was happening and he told her everything. The whole family of bats lived together in a hollowed trunk of a large tree, and one of their cousins, older than him, having heard their conversation, wanted to give him a hint:

- Cousin, I know what you can do. Start talking about the vulture's faults! Show everyone that, if you're ugly, he's hideous! He has a crooked beak, is hump and even eats rotten food! He's a disgusting guy! Soon everyone will see that you are better than him and will be on your side instead of his.

The little bat listened to it sadly. He had a good heart. He would not feel good to do that.

Fortunately, the bat mother was far more experienced and wiser than the young cousin and spoke confidently:

- No son, you don’t have to do any of this. We should do to others what we would like them to do to us. If you are upset about the vulture's behavior, you don’t want to be like him.

- If these puppies are listening to the vulture, - she went on – it’s because they are attuned to him. You will look for real friends, treat you well and attune to the values ​​you also have, such as respect, friendship, joy, healthy fun... And while these good friends do not show up you will do what God proposes to all of us, every day: the good. Let's do our best, be good, cultivate joy and gratitude in our hearts. Our happiness is not in the hands of others. It depends on us alone. It is a great joy to meet good friends and they will appear if you can be well, always serving God.

And to complete, she said:

- Let's go out! Call your brothers and your cousins. Let's fly! A ride will do you good!

The little bat, then, went for a walk with his family. He ate delicious fruit. He flew fast as he liked. He helped his family pollinate a huge patch of scented flowers. And he had a lot of fun that night.

He realized then that he could be very happy by being the way he was.

Following his mother's advice, every day he sought to do things that he liked, that did him and the others well. Over time, he felt more confident. He went out again for a walk. He no longer interacted with those cubs who were not yet ready to be his friends but greeted them with education when he saw them.

One day, noticing how he was flying so well and with such joy, the owl's cub wanted to fly with him. They were both nocturnal animals and they always met and got along very well.

Once, there was a thunderstorm on the farm, with huge lightning and strong thunders. The little foal was very frightened by it. He started to run unstoppably that he got lost. When night fell, he had not returned yet. The rain continued and the sky was overcast with clouds. There was no light from the moon or stars; the darkness was total. The animals were worried and unable to do anything, heard mother mare neigh anxiously neighing, calling for her cub.

When he heard what had happened, the little bat did not think twice. He flew off to look for the little colt. He was an expert at flying at night and locating in the dark. In a few minutes he managed to find the cub and guide him back to his mother. It was a relief and a great joy for everyone to hear the little colt coming.

Mother mare was so grateful to the bat that she did not stop praising him.

- How good you were with us! What a good heart! Out in the rain to help us! What a fantastic way of locating you have! You got what none of us could get. What a wonderful capacity! You were amazing, little bat! Thank you!

After that, all the animals started to look at the bat and his family with more respect.

The mare and the large animals were always chatting as he passed. The little bat felt prestigious and happy.

The little colt became his friend. Even though they were very different, they had fun, talking or playing. The little colt did not fly but he was very fast in the race. They wandered and went away, but mama mare did not care because with the bat she knew her son would be well.

It was thus, serving God always and cultivating the good values that he had that the bat found besides happiness, real friends.


Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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