Letter to the reader

Year 13 - 619 - May 19, 2019

Allan Kardec's final victory

Cláudio Bueno da Silva writes the especial titled “Allan Kardec´s triumph over villainy” and makes an interesting work retrospect of the doctrine encoder; a truly example to be followed by all of us, spirits, undeniably. At the end of the article, he reproduces the testimonial given by Alexandre Delanne, contemporaneous and companion of Kardec, about the character of his friend: “He (Kardec) held up his flag so high and firm that no discredit could reach him and the mud which people would like to cover him, got just dirtied the hands of the assailants”. The article is one of the spots of the present edition.

Another spot is the interview that the young adult speaker Patrícia Lins from Salvador, Bahia gave to our collaborator Wellington Balbo. She is graduated in electrical engineering and one of the collaborators of the Spirit Fraternity Scheilla Sister in Pituba neighbourhood in Salvador, Bahia. She tells us in the interview what she did to get over depression at a certain point in her life besides other doctrinal issues which can be seen by our readers.

May 5, Divaldo Franco celebrated 92 years old and spoke in a workshop in Salvador (BA) under the theme “The meaning of life”. The day before, at the Spirit Centre Redemption Way, he spoke about love and the periods that Spiritism would be facing. Paulo Salerno tells us in an especial report how those two important moments were.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado





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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita