
por André Ribeiro Ferreira

No one is alone!

That is the title of one of the books dictated by the Spirit, Luiz Sérgio, written by the medium, Irene Pacheco Machado.

Luiz Sérgio (Spirit) is the author of 24 books, from O Mundo que Eu Encontrei (The World I Have Found), published in 1976, to Rios de Oração (Rivers of Prayer), in 2006. He has become a very well known author among Spiritists, especially in Rio de Janeiro and Brazilian capital, Brasília. A full list of his books can be seen here.

Luiz Sérgio was born in Rio de Janerio in 1949 and passed away at the age of 23 in Brasília, where he lived since the age of 11 with his parents, Júlio de Carvalho and Zilda Neves de Carvalho (photo). He worked at the state bank, Banco do Brasil, and was doing a degree at Universidade de Brasília in Electronic Engineering when he died.

His mother is a volunteer worker at the Francisco de Assis Spiritist Centre in Brasília. In this interview, she talks about Luiz Sérgio and his books.

Who was Luiz Sérgio?

Luiz Sérgio was born into my family to fulfil a mission. He was a charismatic boy, who liked to help his colleagues. Once, he was coming home and saw a policeman with a model of motorbike he didn’t know. He began talking to him and invited to come an eat something with us, at home. When I returned from work with my husband, I saw the police motorbike outside and thought something serious might have happened. When we came in, we were welcomed by both of them, who were ready to eat again.

Tell us a bit more about him, in your words.

As far as I can remember, he always had many friends as a child. He liked animals and had a dog. He was very conscious and also curious. He succeeded in all the tasks he took on, including in the education of his children, who later went on to work for Banco do Brasil. They also did Engineering and were very hard working and serious.

How did you come up with the idea of publishing his books?

The first one came from my husband’s idea of sending the first message Luiz Sérgio wrote through a medium to a Rio newspaper, Jornal dos Sports, for publication. My husband added to the bottom our names and adress. People began phoning us at home. We decided, then, to publish the messages in chronological order. The first one had been written by my cousin, a medium in São Paulo. We eventually decided to put it all together and publish a book, entitled O Mundo que Eu Encontrei (The World I Have Found).

What lesson would you like to convey to other mothers who have lost a child?

We must believe that we are never alone, even though we are dealing huge pain. To lose a son is very difficult for any mother, including in my case, when his professional career was already blossoming. He was an Engineering student, with a good job in the bank and all of a sudden he disappears from our lives... he goes away! It is very painful! But we must understand that each one has their destiny and that was his destiny... He had to live up to that point and go back to the Spirit World to share with others. His decision to send these messages has helped so many people. We are convinced that it has helped mainly young people like him.

What message would you like to send to the young people of today?

Never give up your ideals. Fight to be who you want to be... a doctor, a lawyer, a dentist... it doesn’t matter which profession you have chosen. Stick to your decision. The Spiritual Benefactors will help you. You will be given extra strength to do what you need. There are many more opportunities for all now and it has become easier to choose a profession that will help you be useful and help your community.

What else would you like to add?

Eu espero que as mensagens do Luiz Sérgio tragam para os leitores a certeza de que ninguém morre! Estamos aqui para um determinado tempo e vamos voltar para a espiritualidade e cumprir as nossas tarefas, a nossa missão. Façam isto com a certeza de que ninguém está sozinho. Luiz Sérgio tem um livro com este título “Ninguém está sozinho”...  Nós estamos amparados, a espiritualidade nos ajuda, nos traz consolo ao coração e a certeza de que estaremos um dia todos juntos na espiritualidade.

I hope the messages of Luiz Sérgio prove to all of those who read them that no one dies! We are here for a certain amount of time and will return to Spirit to fulfill our tasks and our mission. Do that with the conviction that no one is alone. That is the title of one of Luiz Sérgio’s books. We get the support, all the time, of the Spiritual Benefactors. They help us, they bring comfort to our hearts and the conviction that we will all meet one day and be all together in the Spiritual World.  

Editor’s Note

To find out more about Luiz Sérgio, in Portuguese, click here.




Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita