Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: Love of work

Little John´s dream

Little John lived with his parents near a forest. He was a good boy, but he had one big flaw: he didn’t like to collaborate with his family's activities.

The boy's father was a woodcutter and a carpenter. He cut down trees from the forest and made beautiful houses, handsome furniture and other useful wooden objects with them. He also planted new seedlings to help forest recover.

This was precisely John’s collaboration: taking care of the seedlings.

He understood the importance of his father's activity and was proud of him, however – poor Little John! - he was so lazy that while he was watering the saplings of the new trees and sweeping the land around them he was always wrinkled in his forehead, feeling unhappy and muttering:

- I wish that I didn’t have to take care of those seedlings anymore!

One night before going to sleep, Little John wished to rain in the next morning so he wouldn’t have to go along his father to the forest.

When he slept, he began to dream that he no longer had to take care of the new trees. In his dream, it had been a long time since he had watered the seedlings or grounded them. He was following his father to the forest just to walk around and review the trees and the forest environment.

But then the dream became bad when arrived at the usual place he saw that the seedlings had died and the place looked like a desert.

John felt bad in the face of that scene and began to cry regretfully because he abandoned the small plants.

He sobbed loudly when he was awake by his mother. He was relieved when he woke up and realized that it was all a nightmare.

When dawned he was willing to follow his father and give his collaboration to the activity which he deeply admired and liked.

From now on, John put aside his laziness and became a good worker.

As a result of his dedication the forest remained green and full of life.

Adapted from the book Conte Mais, Histórias Educacionais, Vol. 2, FERGS, FEB Publishing.


Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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