Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: Love of animals / God’s Laws

The chicks and the rain

Cris lived in a beautiful country house, with many trees, flowers and fruit. They lived there besides her family her pets which she cared for with great attention and affection.

There was among them a Garnisé hen named Cocó, who was small, black and a good mother. She had hatching her eggs well a few days, it was born six cute and beautiful chicks with black and yellow plumes.

The chicks were absolutely lovely. Delicate cute pompoms with little legs and little beaks who were scrounging, running around and around and sleeping together under Cocó's wings.

Cris liked to watch them in the garden and feed them.

- Cocó! Cocóóóó! - She called loudly, leaning over the fence between the house and the yard.

Soon she would watch the family running satisfied to receive a handful of food.

Once in an afternoon of strong sunshine and warmth, everything was as usual at the farm until, suddenly, the weather changed. The signs in the sky showed that a heavy rain was coming. Many dark clouds were approaching fast, darkening the day. Some lightings were already seen in the distance.

An open door hit hard with the wind, making a tremendous noise that frightened those who were near.

Cris more than quickly called her sons, saying:

- Children help me, it's going to rain!

The children knew that it was necessary to guard the house and the animals. They had done this before and were quick in action.

- I'm going to close the house - said Téo going upstairs.

Pedro and Ana ran to keep the dogs in the kennel and collect the clothes from the clothesline. Cris picked up a cardboard box and went out looking for the chicks.

She found Cocó and her cubs near their nest. She could not leave them there. Surely they would all be wet and then sick. In a quick gesture, Cris managed to get a chick and put it in the box. However, that was enough for the others to spread, frightened, running and poking through the yard forcing Chris to run after them too. Cocó, agitated, tried at the same time to escape from her and protect the cubs.

Cris understood the affliction of the poor babies. They must have thought it was the end of the world. It was not enough the bad weather she still came to chase after them.

But she knew it would be best for them and she kept trying to reach them as fast as possible she could. The children realized the situation and as soon as they could they went helping their mother because the first drops were beginning to fall.

They were able to gather the chicks together quickly. Cocó gave more work but was surrounded by Téo and caught by Ana. Cris celebrated children’s agility which ended on time the dynamic task. Cocó joined its chicks in the box who were finally in a safe place at the back room.

Cris and the kids rushed in to protect themselves too. They stared at the rain through the window. A lot of water was flowing and the plants were swaying strongly. Hailstones began to knock on the porch floor.

There was so much excitement out there but Cris was calm. They were all sheltered. The rain was heavy but it was still beautiful to see. It was necessary because it would bring renewal.

She thought of the chicks, who even without understanding her gesture, were all good and soon they would return to the yard.

- If they had known, they would not have given so much trouble those ones!

And smiling to herself, she considered:

- But I cannot complain! How many times I have done this when God has protected me! He often protects us but we do not understand Him either.

As Cris was thinking of God, in His providence and the lessons of nature when watched the rain going softer until it stopped.

She looked up at the sky and saw that behind the clouds the sun was rising again.

The rain had brought renewal even to her heart.


Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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