Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: Charity / Love of animals

The wise bird friend

Dorinha liked to spend afternoons in the backyard. One day she saw something that caught her attention. She looked for her mother to show it to her.

- Mama, come and see something I found in the yard. Quickly!

- What is it, my dear? Why such a hurry? - Asked the mother.

- It's a little bird on a peach twig and there's something about it. It must be hurt! - Said Dorothy.

The mother went out to see.

- There it is! - Said Dorothy - See, it doesn’t move, not even when I get close to it. Look how it stands only on one foot. The other leg seems to have trouble.

- You're right, daughter. There's something weird about this little bird. Go get the ladder, please.

Dorinha brought the ladder and her mother climbed up. Carefully, she moved closer and closer to the bird, fearing that it would run away. But she was surprised! The bird did not fly. There it stood on one leg until that lady took it gently and brought it down.

- Its leg is really bruised - her mother said.

- And now, Mom? - Asked Dorothy, worried.

- Now I'm going to bandage his leg - her mother said.

They took care of the little wise bird, with care and softness, and then they stood it up, propped up on the other leg. Dorothy brought it some crumbs and water too. But the wise bird did not wait to eat or drink. Flapping its wings, it lifted up in the air and flew away.

- You see? - Her mother asked. - The poor bird must have been waiting for help.

- I wanted it to stay - the girl said - But it's gone, and I don’t think we'll ever see it again.

Months went by. Autumn was over and winter came and further was followed by spring. And with Christmas, school, vacations and birthday days and other things, the girl forgot about the little bird.

One morning, Dorothy came running into the house again, very excited.

- Mom, come and see! - She shouted - Our bird came back to us! I saw it on the peach tree. I'm sure it's it!

The mother ran out with her and looked searching among the branches of the tree, now beautiful with the new foliage.

- You're right! - She exclaimed – It’s our little wise bird. I would recognize it anywhere. How interesting it came back! Do you know what it's doing?

- No. - said Dorothy.

- I think it’s making a nest. It has only just begun and if we are careful not to scare it, it will keep building.

The mother was right. The bird was a female. It finished building its nest, laid some eggs, and three little babies were born. It fed them, and when it were already grown and strong, it all flew away, leaving the nest empty.

- Well, this is the last time we shall see our wise bird, for sure. - Dorothy's mother said.

However, it was not. The next spring it came back, built another nest, and raised the family. It did the same thing the other year. For a few years the little wise bird came back in time to make its nest and hatch its eggs, as if it knew it was a safe place. Dorinha and her mother called it as a member of the family.

- Mama - said Dorothy - why does the little bird always come back?

- My daughter, this bird, despite being a humble little creature of God, did not forget the goodness it received at a suffering time.

- Mama, would a little bird have a feeling of gratitude? I'm so glad it's always coming back and making its nest here!

- Daughter, anyway, this little bird felt safe and well-cared here. And we reap the fruit of our good deed, now having the joy of its presence, the song of it singing, and the beauty of watching it with its babies. When we help someone or make others happy we are collaborating in Divine creation. And who does the will of God always receive great joy back.


Text (adapted) by Cândida Chirello.


Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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