
por Guaraci de Lima Silveira

Our Brazil is the most powerful country in the world

The author of the above phrase is the singer and composer Marco Antonio de Castro, better known as Maton Castro (photo). Born in Sao Jose do Rio Preto (RJ), Maton became a Spiritist in 2006. He currently works at the Spiritist Center Luz e Caridade, in Sao Jose do Vale do Rio Preto (RJ), and at GEAHM (Alfredtz Halzeireing Müller Spiritist Group), from Juiz de Fora (MG). He is an accountant and has an office in the city where he lives. In his spare time he composes Spiritist songs. He recently released the CD "Tocados por Ele" (Touched by Him), with ten Spiritist songs; he also travels through several cities singing and enchanting everyone with his beautiful voice. Maton has always been connected to music. Before becoming a Spiritist, he had a band and played in several events.

He chatted with us:

How did you go from a band singer to a Spiritist singer?

It was a very significant change and spiritually a much more enriching experience.

How did the Spiritist music change your convictions regarding your social life?

With the Spiritist music - and the Doctrine of moral and spiritual teachings - I learned to be a more secure and balanced person in my social life.

In your opinion, how can the Spiritist Art influence the movement to Spiritist awareness?

Spiritist Art, both in music and in literature, scenic art and other cultural manifestations, can contribute a lot in the sense of making people understand the Spiritist Doctrine in a more poetic, deep and popular way too.

Tell us a little about your CD "Tocados por Ele" (Touched by Him).

The CD’s purpose is to show Spiritist songs in a way, let's say, melodically less sacred, with alternations in their rhythms, in which I put into practice my musical influences of several melodic strands. It was also very important for the making of this CD the partnership with my wife Rose Castro, who offered me two song lyrics and the well-known writer and Spiritist speaker Guaraci de Lima Silveira, from Juiz de Fora, who gave me five of his lyrics, including the one that bears the name of the CD "Tocados por Ele" (Touched by Him), and I composed the melody on both cases.

Of the songs which is the one that you choose as a reference to your opening to Spiritist studies?

Certainly the song "Brazil, Homeland of the Gospel", which promptly guided me to start the Spiritist studies. Everyone should read the book “Brazil, Heart of the World, Homeland of the Gospel”, by Humberto de Campos, a psychographics of Chico Xavier. Perhaps they would understand why Brazil is going through this troubled moment.

And how do you explain this new moment of yours?

As a moment of great joy and surrender; I divulge the Doctrine through my music.

In the past you were in front of audiences in search of an ordinary entertainment. Now you perform before audiences, who are in the Spiritist Centers seeking guidance from the Gospel in the light of the Spiritist Doctrine. Tell us a little about it.

It is a big difference. When you sing popular songs to entertain the audience, the moral and spiritual responsibilities are smaller; it is more like fun. Today, singing the Doctrine, I see that my responsibility is much greater. I sing for people who want and need to listen to songs that make them feel spiritually better and happier. Frankly, today, I prefer to sing for 10, 20, 30 people, than to sing for larger audiences, because I feel peace singing the Doctrine; I did not feel this when I sang popular songs.

What is more impressive now in you regarding the new dynamics of composing and singing?

The most striking thing is to feel a strong and true sense of peace and harmony when I sing the Doctrine.

In an overview, what is the contribution of your CD?

Like all Spiritist CDs, it can certainly contribute to evangelization through Spiritist music, since music is also a form of evangelization.

How is the structure of the CD "Tocados por Ele" (Touched by Him)?

The CD was recorded in a studio in Teresopolis (RJ), with production and arrangements of the maestro Edmilson Galdino. It was recorded with original instruments such as guitars (electric and acoustic), bass, accordion, piano, musical keyboards, and so on, as well as the participation of wonderful musicians. The final press took place in Sao Paulo, at MCK Producoes. This press was all industrial with lyrics insertions and all the finishing necessary to be sold with a good quality.

How can one get it?

At the moment, only personally, where it can be delivered promptly. Or, you can contact me through my cell phone (24) 99283-3851. It costs R$ 20,00. I can also mail it to you or, if the person lives nearby, I can also deliver it. I live in the city of Juiz de Fora. I can always be found at the Spiritist activities of GEAHM (Spiritist Group Alfredtz Halzeireing Müller).

We find that Spiritist Art is increasingly present in Spiritist conferences, seminars and public lectures. How can you contribute?

It is true. Spiritist artistic manifestations are multiplying all over the country. I can contribute with great pleasure and joy, making the musical harmonization in these events. I can be contacted through the cell phone (24) 99283-3851 or through my e-mail:

Of all your participations in the Spiritist Movement, which one would you highlight?

Sincerely, I feel happy and gratified by all my participations at Spiritist Centers, from the most modest to the most well-structured one, but there were some that really were remarkable: 1) At the launching of the CD "Tocados por Ele" (Touched by Him), in my home-city, at the Spiritist Center Light and Charity; 2) The first time I played as a worker at GEAHM in Juiz de Fora; 3) In the 14th Spiritist Festival of Bicas (MG) and in the XII Spiritist Cultural Cafe in Alem Paraiba (MG).

Tell us a little about what should be sought for human well-being to happen.

The Gospel of Jesus’ teachings must be sought in a true and deep way. When we find them, we also find peace and happiness.

You sing on your CD about the importance of loving Brazil as the Fatherland of the Gospel and the Heart of the World. Can you tell us something about it according to your vision as an artist?

Our Brazil is the most powerful country in the world. The day that people, especially politicians, become aware of this power that Brazil has, there will be a change so intense and deep in the country that we will enter a spiritual stage so alive and we will be the greatest and the most just nation of this planet. Jesus watches over us and surely no other commander has the spiritual power our Master possesses. As an artist, I can say that no other country inspires me as much as Brazil.

Although we know that the difficulties to burn a CD are very large, what can you tell us from your experiences in this field?

When you record a CD, especially if it is done with a professional studio structure and industrial pressing, essentially you cannot be in a hurry to see the project finalized. In my case I got an important help from the CELC (Centro Espirita Luz e Caridade) for the recording in the studio and I got sponsorship for the pressing of the CDs.

What is the moment or story that has marked you the most in your work as a Spiritist singer?

The most important moment was when I decided to render in a true and continuous way in order to sing the Doctrine in my Spiritist Center, the Spiritist Center Luz e Caridade, in Sao Jose do Vale do Rio Preto. This moment was my real encounter with Spiritism.

We thank you and ask you to leave us your final words.

I thank you very much for the opportunity of this interview. I know the importance of the electronic magazine O Consolador for the release of my CD and I am always at your disposal. Fraternal embraces, and may we all stay in the peace of Jesus.


Eleni Frangatos -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita