Letter to the reader

Year 12 - 590 - October 21, 2018

Herculano Pires and André Luiz’s works

Paulo Silva Neto Sobrinho, one of our collaborators brings some considerations of the title above about what the journalist and writer José Herculano Pires wrote regarding André Luiz’s works, known spirit by Chico Xavier’s hands, he wrote the series Our Home. It is true that Herculano Pires did not have any appreciation to the books of the author of “Our Home”?

This issue is the central point in the Especial which illustrates the current edition, it is treated objectively by the writer. The article has been divided in two parts; the conclusion will be published next week.

There is a clear correlation between sustainability and Earth evolution. This sentence was written by our week’s interviewee, the confrere Orlando Nastri Neto, who was born in São Paulo State and lives in the capital city of the same name. The confrere is spirit since childhood who is the consultant of sustainability at Votorantim Institute, he takes part in spirit midst of the activities in the Spirit Centre Alfredo Brother, in the same city.

More than 3,000 people joined on September 30 in Santo André (SP), of the mini seminar leaded by Divaldo Franco at the headquarters of the Care and Educational Institution Amélia Rodrigues. The event was part on the 32º Fraternal Meeting with Divaldo Franco. The meeting is held annually since the year 1986 by initiative of the Spirit Centre Dr. Bezerra de Menezes, in the same city.


It was published last Friday, October 19 the e-book Spirit Dissentions and Related Doctrines authored by Julio Costa Neto, one more launching by EVOC – Virtual Publisher of The Comforter. The book can be read or downloaded for free, just visit EVOC’s web here


  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado





O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita