
Brazil is not for amateurs

The title above was inspired by a phrase attributed to the exceptional composer Tom Jobim: "Brazil is not for beginners", a thought that has never been so true as in our times.

Incompetence, mismanagement, misrule, corruption have brought us to the sad situation of the present day, when many, astonished, ask themselves: - What country is this? And with undisguised dismay: - What is the solution?

The Spirit thesis, clearly stated in the works of its main authors, is very clear: nothing that is wrong, morally speaking, will have a solution except through education.

Every decade the old colonels die - we refer here to those who command and have the last word in the different fields in which earthly life develops - and at the same time the colonels who have disincarnated for the longest time return to the scene and who, clothed with the innocence of a child, come imbued with new ideals, projects and proposals that are intended to build a new world on Earth.

It is then that the new meets the oldand thus the law of progress imposes itself, making for all and all the horrors we see today, the present earthly society is better than it was 300, 500, 800 years ago.

There is, however, an intriguing time-related question.

Looking ahead, there is no way to challenge the effectiveness of education. But and now? What can we do to start putting order in this house under renovation? We are not referring only to Brazil, but to the whole world, which seems to us a decidedly aimless and unmanned ship.

Once, speaking about happiness and the afflictions of life, one speaker reminded those who heard that we need to keep in mind that our existences on Earth intertwine. What a person or a people does at a certain time will inevitably have repercussions later on. There is no need to believe in reincarnation to understand this fact. The law of cause and effect embraces people and collectivities.

The lecturer offered then to his listeners a simple recipe that can be perfectly adopted by the adults right now, without the need to first disembowel and then, in a new body, to return to the stage of life with new plans and ideas.

Before any attitude or deliberation, he proposed, let us ask ourselves the questions that follow. If in the responses we find a negative or some doubt, we refrain from adopting it, unless we wish our afflictions of the present to extend to future existences:

I - What I think to do pleases God? (Matthew, 22: 34-38)

II - Benefit my neighbour? (Matthew 22:39, 40)

III - Helps the progress of the community? (The Spirits’ Book, item 132, and James, 2:17 to 2:26)

IV. Does it fit for my spiritual future? (Paul, 1st Epistle to Corinthians, 6:12)

Regarding this last question, let us remember what Paul wrote:

"All things are lawful for me, but not all things suit me. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be moved by any." (1 Corinthians 6:12)

If we all seek to apply the proposed recipe in our actions and decisions, we will certainly contribute to making earthly society better, less violent, more fraternal, less unequal, more supportive, and especially less selfish and prejudiced.

Shunting resources from health or school meals pleases God? benefits anyone? help the community's progress? is it fit for the spiritual future of the one who acts like this?

In fact, people who allow themselves to be seduced by the idea of enriching themselves by the most obscure means are nothing more than beginners and spiritual children. The direction of the country and the public institutions cannot be entrusted to people of this level. Brazil is not for amateurs.




Francine Prado - francine.cassia@hotmail.com




O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita