Study of the Works of Allan Kardec

por Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho

The Revue Spirite of 1863

Part 7

We continue in this issue the study of the Revue Spirite corresponding to the year of 1863. The condensed text of the mentioned volume will hereby be presented in sixteen parts, based on the translation of Julio Abreu Filho and published by EDICEL.

Issues for discussion 

A. What does it take to keep evil Spirits at a distance?

B. Why is Spiritism so gratifying?

C. Is a prayer made in the intention of a dead one of any use?

Text for reading

62. Kardec further informs, based on a report by Dr. Chiara, that there was once a horrible tumult in the church where the sick gathered. Women fell into crisis at the same time, knocking down and breaking the church pews and rolling across the floor, mingling with men and children, who were trying to contain them. Then they uttered horrible and incredible vows, questioning the priests in rather insulting terms. It was there that public exorcism ceremonies ceased, and they began to be done at home, without any results, until the practice was terminated once and for all. (Page 138)

63. A different result was obtained in Moscow, where on the same occasion the inhabitants of a village were also struck by an evil similar to that of Morzine - the same crises, the same convulsions, the same blasphemies, the same insults against the priests and the same impotence of exorcists and doctors. Mr. A says that one of his uncles, Mr. R ..., of Moscow, a powerful magnetizer and a man of good par excellence, with a very pious heart, having visited those unfortunates, stopped the most violent convulsions by the simple imposition of hands, accompanied by fervent prayer. Repeating the act, he ended up healing almost all radically. (Page 138)

64. It is necessary that the healer has a pious heart to help those - who suffer evil - to rise morally, since this is the safest means of neutralizing the influence of evil Spirits and to prevent the return of what happened, because evil Spirits only approach those whom they know they are able to subdue, and they do not approach those who have a moral superiority - we do not say intellectual – which protects them against their attacks. (Page 139)

65. Kardec ends the article by cautioning that no one is to believe in the virtue of talismans, amulets, signs, or words to ward off evil Spirits. A pure heart and intention, the love of God and neighbor, is the best talisman. (Page 139)

66. According to St. Louis, a spiritual guide to the Spiritist Society of Paris, the possessed of Morzine were actually under the influence of Spirits drawn to that region for a reason that one day will be known. "If all men were good", says St. Louis, "the evil Spirits would depart because they could not induce them to evil. The presence of good men causes them to flee; vicious men attracts them, while, regarding the good Spirits, the opposite is true". (Page 140)

67. With the title "Some refutations", Kardec refers to the sermons that were intense at the time, in order to denigrate the Spiritist Doctrine and demoralize its followers. The content of the attacks - says the Encoder - is usually the same. Part of the clergy considered Spiritism a mixture of horrors that only madness could justify. Kardec lines up in his article some of the objections made and gives them the appropriate answer. (Pages 140 to 145)

68. Here are some of the points that are worthy of note in Kardec's comments: I) Spiritism also recognizes as profanity to lightly call the dead, for futile reasons and, above all, for making this a lucrative profession. II. If belief in the eternal punishments nourished by the Church is a powerful brake, why has Humankind reached the point where it finds itself, in which prevarications, vices, corruption and wars seem never to end? III) If the Church feels that - to be secure - it has to attack this belief, then it is the case to regret since it rests in such a fragile base, because if the church has such a rodent worm, that worm is the dogma of eternal punishment. IV) Spiritist groups and societies in France do not open the doors to the public to preach their Doctrine to passers-by. Spiritism preaches itself and by the strength of things. V) Spiritism pleases people because it does not impose itself and because of its sweetness, the consolations it provides, the unshakable faith it fosters. VI) The Spiritist Doctrine is based on irrefutable facts that defy all denial: this is the secret of its quick spread. (Pages 140 to 145)

69. Speaking about his disincarnating, the Spirit of Philibert Viennois says: I) the journey of death is a sleep for the just; the rupture is natural; but at the first awakening, what awe! How everything is new, splendid, wonderful! II) The Spirits he loved and friends of previous incarnations welcomed him and opened the doors of his true existence. In the sequence Viennois said that the prayer that Kardec had said in his intention had stirred up many frivolous and unbelieving Spirits who were present at the meeting, and would help them in their progress. The prayer said by Kardec was transcribed following the communication. (Pages 145 to 148)

70. In a sermon preached against Spiritism, the speaker, thinking that he would give a mortal blow to Spiritist ideas, reported that three weeks ago a lady who had lost her husband was sought by a medium. He offered himself to get a message from the deceased, who, in writing, told his wife that he had not been fit to enter into the rest of the blessed, and that he was obliged to reincarnate immediately to atone for his sins. Guess where? - A mile away, at a miller’s property, and in the body of a colt. The woman went and bought the animal, fitting it properly in a special room of her house. (Pages 148 and 149)

71. Kardec, after telling the joke, says that the speaker has shown that he criticizes what he does not know, since Spiritism teaches with no doubt that the Spirit cannot animate the body of an animal and vice versa. (Continues on next issue).

Answers to the proposed issues

A. What does it take to keep evil Spirits at a distance?

Evil Spirits only approach those whom they know to be able to dominate, and not those who have moral superiority - we do not say intellectual - against the attacks. No one is to believe in the virtue of talismans, amulets, signs, or words to ward off evil Spirits. A pure heart and the intention, the love of God and neighbor, is the best talisman. (Revue Spirite, 1863, page 139).

B. Why is Spiritism so gratifying?

According to Kardec, Spiritism appeals to people because it does not impose itself and because of its sweetness, the consolations it provides, the unshakable faith it fosters. (Ibid, pages 140-145).

C. Is a prayer made in the intention of a dead one of any use?

Yes, a prayer is always helpful. According to the statement of the Spirit of Philibert Viennois, the prayer that Kardec said in his intention had moved many of the frivolous and unbelieving Spirits who were present at the meeting, and would serve for their progress. (Ibid, pages 145 to 148).



Eleni Frangatos -




O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita