Letter to the reader

Year 12 - 564 - April 22, 2018

Maurício de Queiroz Curi speaks to the magazine

“We have come to serve, not to be served” is the title of our editorial which brings considerations about corruption scandals that have occurred in many different sectors of our society.

Our interviewee Maurício de Queiroz Curi is the presenter of the program Coffee with Light which is presented by FEBtv in Brasília (DF). He was born in Brasília where he works as architect and designer; he volunteers at Spirit Group Atualpa Barbosa Lima and at Spirit Federation of the Federal District and FEB (Brazilian Spirit Federation).

“Hope messages: for times of pain”, authored by Gebaldo José de Sousa, from Goiânia (GO), is the title of the especial of this week. In the article, the author alludes to the nonsense embedded in the catastrophic predictions that announce the end of the planet and seeks to elucidate, based on diverse messages, the advent of the so-called world of regeneration, a subject so commented in recent years in our environment.

In a short passage through Santa Catarina state, Divaldo Franco spoke on April 12 to 15 to spirit and supporters of Spiritism in Itajaí, Florianópolis and Balneário Camboriú cities; it is shown by the confrere Paulo Salerno in an especial report published on this edition.




On April 21, 1889, according to guidelines attributed to the spirit of Allan Kardec, through the medium Frederico Júnior, Dr. Bezerra de Menezes assumed the presidency of the Centre of the Brazilian Spirit Union, in which he installed, at the initiative of the Doctor of Poor, the first school for the development of mediumship in the country.

The Centre of the Brazilian Spirit Union was founded on October, 1881 as an outcome of the first Spirit Congress held in the country (September 6, 1881).


  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita