
Help yourself and the sky will help you

Well known to all, the quote "Help you and sky will help you" was the subject of extensive commentary by Allan Kardec in chapter XXV of The Gospel according to Spiritism.

Analogous to the quote "Seek and find" attributed to Jesus, it is in truth the principle of the law of labor and, consequently, of the law of progress.

Help yourself - or seek - this is the part that competes us, signaling that we must strive for things to adjust and achieve our projects.

The word sky, in the phrase, symbolizes Divine Providence, the group of benefactors of Humanity who act decisively so that the individual diligent, responsible and aware of his duties can muster the resources he needs in the face of his reincarnational programming.

Many people, however, do not understand how this is done. Is it only through inspiration? Or does Divine Providence dispose of other means?

It is clear that the arrival of a child on the earth scene is preceded by a series of measures.

Certain Spirit must reincarnate. Where? In what family? For what? What resources will be provided?

It can be seen that there is not only a case of inspiration, because concrete achievements are made possible before the child's birth.

The child is then born, develops and becomes an adult, and as such often happens there are many challenges, trials, vicissitudes that must be faced and overcome by him.

Divine Providence then uses in some cases the resource of inspiration, whether by taking advantage of the moments of prayer, in which we attune ourselves to the High, or in the minutes of freedom that the bodily sleep gives us every night.

Aid, however, is not limited to this, because it may require measures that, in some cases, go far beyond what we are ignorant of what is happening in the invisible world, we think. This is how divine providence works to bring about encounters, many of which we attribute to pure chance, and even to reincarnational reprogramming, the purpose of which is that in the course of our bodily existence we have the necessary conditions to attain goal.

Here is an example from André Luiz's work Missionaries of the Light, psychographed by the medium Chico Xavier.

Raul, then married to Esther, committed suicide. It was later revealed that his act was the result of a strong sense of guilt arising from a crime committed by him, plus the obsessive action of his victim, now in the spiritual life. Esther's family, consisting of the widow, three sons, and an old couple, suddenly became utterly helpless, and divine Providence needed to act.

The spiritual benefactors, as reported by André Luiz, were instructed to help her. The task was assigned to an entity named Romualda. In the first place, it was necessary to promote Esther's meeting with her husband, a meeting that transmitted to the widow a feeling of peace and hope, fundamental in such cases. But something else was needed. After all, the income of the house had ceased with Raul's death.

Romualda then proceeded to carry out the second part of her task: the placing of Esther in a dignified job. To André's surprise, she explained: "When fellow grounders deserve, we can cooperate for their benefit, with all the resources we have, provided that our cooperation does not deprive them of freedom of conscience."

That was what happened the following week. André was at Esther's house when Romualda came in with a distinguished lady who came to meet the widow to offer her honest work in her sewing workshop.

How did Romualda - a disembodied entity - come to the businesswoman? And how did the idea of ​​hiring Esther arouse her?

Who spirit is does not ignore how such things happen, because the spirits know certainly what the spiritual instructors taught Kardec about the action of the discarnates on us, as it is read:

Do spirits influence our thoughts and our actions?"Much more than you imagine. They influence to such an extent that, ordinarily, it is they who direct you." (Spirits' Book, question 459.)

Along with the thoughts that are our own, will others be suggested to us? "Your soul is a thinking Spirit. You are not unaware that many thoughts often come to you at one time on the same subject and, often, contrary to one another. Well! In all of them, you always mix your own with ours. Hence the uncertainty in which you see yourself. For you have two ideas to fight against you." (Idem, question 460.)



Francine Prado - francine.cassia@hotmail.com





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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita