
por Orson Peter Carrara

An assessment of the Spiritist Review and its precious contents

Allê de Paula (photo), from the Brazilian city of São José do Rio Preto, in the state of São Paulo, became a Spiritist 10 years ago. He works as a Physical Education teacher and physiotherapist. Allê De Paula, who is also a volunteer worker at the Paulo de Tarso Spiritist Association, speaks here about his work as a speaker and the importance of the Spiritist Review, publication founded by Allan Kardec.

Explain to our readers what the Spiritist Review is.

The Spiritist Review was published monthly from January 1st 1858 until April 1869 by Allan Kardec, who passed away on March 31st 1869. From then on it was published by Mr Vautier, who was then president of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, along with Mr Leymarie. It was published for 12 years.

What is in the magazine, what is its content?

Kardec says that the Spritist Reviews are a varied collection of facts, of theoretical explanations and specific extracts, which complements the contents of the previous books, showing their practical application, in a manner of speaking. You can read them simultaneously with the books, but you will benefit more and understand more if you do so after reading The Spirits’ Book.

How can we make the most of this tool in our Spiritist studies and research?

The Spirist Review is the work that COMPLEMENTS Kardec’s Codification. Everyone who studies Spiritism knows that Kardec often makes reference in his books to those periodicals. I highlight the word “complements” to make it clear that the Reviews are part of the codification, while many wrongly think that they can be left to the side, as a dispensable part of Spiritism. We must, therefore, study and research them.

You consider the Spiritist Review as a very useful tool for the preparation of talks, lectures and study groups. Why?

Yes, absolutely. Readers will have access in the Spiritist Reviews in rich detail to issues that Kardec dealt with during the formation and development of the Spiritist Movement. They will find out more about the codification (23 books, not only 5 as most people think) and will widen its concept of Spiritism as philosophy and science. They will come across a number of cases reported by the press at the time. Some cases were laudable, others, deplorable.

Why is it often said that Kardec transformed the Spiritist Review into a true Spiritist research lab?

The Spirist Review was a valuable lab, like an open platform that Allan Kardec used to gauge the reaction of the people and how the Spirits felt about a number of issues and questions that were still hypothetical or not totally understood. It was a great lab. Some issues that could not be fully developed and analyses in its books, for lack of space, were dissected in the Spiritist Review. He used to pick ordinary, apparently unimportant issues, and interpreted them in the light of Spiritism, enriching them with his careful analysis. The causes and consequences emerged naturally. In the Review he also wrote elaborate and valuable comments.

What aspect of the publication strikes you the most?

The serious and respectful manner with which Kardec looked after them. He was always anchored by logical thinking, by reson, impartiality and above all common sense. Kardec writes in a clear and straightforward style, and yet his texts have depth and are thorough. He can be understood by everyone, from the humblest person to the most demanding intellectuals.

How could study groups and those preparing talks, lectures and articles make the most of the Spiritist Review?

First of all, by introducing it to the public, including it as a study reference, which is very rare in Spiritist Centres. That is the only way people will realise how beautiful and rich in details these texts are.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I wish that our dear readers began to read the Spiritist Reviews. Those who have never studied them will always have limited knowledge of Spiritism. There is no Spiritism without Kardec. And I would like you for the opportunity of speaking about Kardec and Spiritism.

Leonardo Rocha -



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita