

Is the man the style?

If in the world of business and police investigation, fingerprints remain unsurpassed as a means of personal identification, in literature the style of the author is usually a characteristic and unmistakable mark that few can imitate.

The phrase spoken by George-Louis Leclerc, the Count of Buffon, in a speech at the French Academy is known: "Le style, c'est l'homme même", that is, style is the man. With this phrase, Buffon meant that style is the maximum expression of the individual, the translation of his own character, and this, as we know, is reflected in the way he speaks, how he writes, how he acts.

In the Spirit Magazine of September, 1861, Allan Kardec reported a curious controversy that took place in the Spirit Society of Paris from a dissertation in which Lamennais (Spirit) analyzed Buffon's aphorism mentioned above.

Diverging from the great French thinker, Lamennais said that often man is not reflected in his works, since many are illuminated by a divine spark that makes them greater. Buffon's phrase - style is the man -would not therefore be entirely true.

Upon learning of the criticism, Buffon (Spirit) replied and spared no writer. To him, Lamennais had confused form and substance, style and thought.

An interesting discussion was thus established, with the participation of various and illustrious Spirits, like Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, who was nominally mentioned in the events that took place. According to Lamennais's thought, he said, "No, style is not the man." And he presented himself as proof of this, stating, "I do not deserve all the literary reputation I enjoyed."

After many demonstrations and with the clear purpose of putting an end to the discussion, Lamennais addressed a friendly message to Buffon, reminding him that he merely meant that "human inspiration is often divine" and that there was no matter for controversy.

In fact, we know in the field of oratory individuals who would not be able to utter the speeches they utter without the invisible assistance of their spiritual protector, a fact that also occurs in the mediumistic sessions in which the enlightening call, when inspired by the spiritual mentor of the team, can transmit messages and orientations of great moral elevation, sometimes well beyond his own capacity.

When the debates closed, the instructor Erasto made two interesting observations.

Buffon, Gérard de Nerval, Viscount Delaunay, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre - said Erasto - retained, like Lamennais, the tastes and literary form they had used when incarnated. This fact, added Erasto, proves that no one abandons his inclinations, habits, and passions instantly by stripping off his human garments.

In view of this, it would be necessary, says Erasto, that we all examine what profit we have taken from our Spirit studies and that moral improvement has resulted. "For you know, it is not enough to say: I am spirit, and to close this belief in the depths of oneself; but what you need to know is whether your acts conform to the prescriptions of your new faith which is, it would not be too much to repeat, Love and charity!" (Erasto, in Spirit Magazine, September, 1861)


Francine Prado




O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita