Letter to the reader

Year 11 - N° 539 - October 22, 2017

The journalist André Trigueiro speaks to the magazine

“Is the end of the world near or far away?” is the title of our editorial which examines two familiar supposed and relevant cases about broadcasting the end of the world.

The known journalist and writer André Trigueiro, author of two books Spiritism and Ecology, Cities and Solutions and Living is the Best Option, was interviewed by the also journalist Giovana Campos; he was interviewed about a theme which is really estimated by him: environmental management and sustainability. In the interview, among many alarms, André warned: “Regeneration world can’t be an evolved moral and ethical world but environmentally ruined”. The interview is one of the spots of this current edition.

Another spot is the Especial “The end of the world in 2019”, in which our collaborator Humberto Werdine brings important considerations about one of the sillies’ things that boils among spirit midst, the supposed prophecy attributed to Chico Xavier, about the extinction of the globe we live in. About the subject, Werdine is emphatic: “It won’t be the end of the world in 2019”. If someone is in doubt, he says, read The Genesis or wait 2019.

The Reencounter Association of Spiritual Development performed on October 8th, 2017, the 3ª edition of the Movement You and Peace in São Paulo. The event was held in Ibirapuera Auditorium – Oscar Niemeyer, at Ibirapuera Park, and Divaldo Franco was, as usual, one of the main highlights; our collaborator Djair de Souza Ribeiro tells us about it.




In a day like today – October 22nd, 1922 – Francisco Antônio Bastos, widower of Anália Franco, with support of Manoel and Marieta Gaio, José Fuzeira, Teotônio Sá and friends of the Brazilian Spirit Federation, founded in Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Anália Franco Home, which at first was called Orphans Home Refugee Anália Franco. He was the first its president.


  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita