
Year 11 - N° 534 - September 17, 2017


What is, in fact, essential in our life


In an interview published in this magazine, as one of the highlights of this edition, our colleague Osmar Marthi Filho summarized, with rare synthesis power, what is really essential in our passage through reincarnation experience: the search for moral transformation, the work in favor of the neighbor, the experience of fraternity.

Another point worth mentioning in the same interview is the answer he gave to this question: - If something could tell readers about the importance of Spiritism in our life and the institution in the local social context, what phrase would sum it all up?

Osmar Marthi Filho replied:

"In a phrase of Emmanuel, which D. Avelina always reminded us: Spiritism is head, heart and hands. That is, knowledge of the Doctrine, its sentiment, but above all our attitudes transformed by it ".

Head, heart and hands!

Those who study with interest the Spiritist teachings have already read here and there the information that the spiritual improvement of the human being, with the consequent change of his vibratory pattern, depends on the competition of three factors: good thoughts, good feelings, good deeds.

That is why countless speakers and disincarnated communicators warn: it is not enough to just study; you have to practice. Just as it is not enough to have good ideas; it is necessary to put them into practice.

As for acts, conduct, and work on behalf of others, the phrase, based on Christian teachings, is known that the good we do cancels out the evil we have done, or, in the words of the apostle Peter, "charity covers the multitude of sins."

There is in André Luiz's work a passage that we must always remember. We are talking about a dialogue between André and the one who was his mother in his last existence. The text is part of chapter 36 of the book Our Home - Nosso Lar, a psychic work psychographed by Chico Xavier.

André had for the first time, in his return to the spiritual plane, something that gave him great joy and at the same time enormous fatigue. He had just carried out a modest activity in direct contact with the sufferers of the Hereafter, when his mother, with the evident purpose of encouraging him to go on with work, told him:
"In infirmary circles, my son, the dish of soup for the hungry, the balm for the leper, the gesture of love for the disillusioned, are divine services that will never be forgotten in the House of Our Father" (chapter 36, page 197).

And in the sequence: "The Gospel of Jesus reminds us that there is greater joy in giving than in receiving... Give always, my son. Above all, never forget to give of yourself, in constructive tolerance, in brotherly love and divine understanding. The practice of external good is a teaching and an appeal, so that we may come to the practice of inner goodness. Jesus gave more of himself, to the aggrandizement of men that all the earthly millionaires gathered in the service, sublime though, of material charity. Do not be ashamed to support the chagrin and to enlighten the foolish ones who enter the chambers of rectification (...) Work, my son, doing good. Whenever you can forget the entertainment and seek the useful service." (Our Home – Nosso Lar, chapter 36, page 198)


Francine Prado




O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita