Spiritism For Kids
por Célia Xavier de Camargo

Year 11 - N° 530 - August 20, 2017


A Different Father's Day

At the end of the class that Friday, the teacher reminded her students: 

- I wish you a good weekend, and do not forget "Father's Day" will be this Sunday!

The students got excited about "Father's Day" and what they could give their parents. Each one thought of something different: a shirt, a pair of shoes, a box of chocolates, a pen and more. Charlie went home wondering what he would give his father according to his own wishes.

Suddenly, he decided:

- I got it! I'm going for a walk with my father! Just like he does with me on Children's Day! Dad always gives me an exciting day that I really like. I'll do the same to him!

So, looking forward to it, he arrived at home smiling. He said nothing to anyone. His parents noticed that Charlie was all mysterious but when they asked him what was going on, he would only answer:

- Nothing, Mom! Nothing, Dad! I’m just thinking of something my teacher said.

On Sunday, Charlie woke up early, poured a glass of milk, fixed a sandwich, put it all on a tray and went to wake up his father, who was still sleeping. He joyfully entered the room, hugged his father and kissed him on the cheek saying:

- Happy Father’s Day! Dad, eat your breakfast and get out of bed! Wear shorts and a T-shirt and come with me! I've been awake for a long time! I want to go out!

- But it's too early, son! - said his father still rubbing his eyes.

- No, it is not. I want to go for a walk with you, Dad!

Seeing no other way, his father got out of bed, did his habitual hygiene process and went to the kitchen to have some strong coffee. The table, to his surprise, was already set. Charlie put coffee into his father's cup, added some sugar, and asked him to stir it to see if it was to his liking. His dad thought it was too sweet but said it was great!

When his father finished his breakfast, Charlie brought out the picnic basket and said:

- Now we're going for a walk, Daddy. Come on! You will have a different day!

His father smiled at him, then looked at his wife and nodded as if to say: “OK, let’s see what else is going to happen!”

- Mom, would you like to come for a walk with us? - the boy asked.

- No, dear. I have many things to do today. You two go!

Father and son left the house and walked to a woods where Charlie liked to play and to which his father always took him. They sat down, put their feet in the lake, ran through the trees until they were tired. Then, already hungry, the little one opened the picnic basket and said:

- Daddy, here's our snack! Let's eat?

They ate everything and drank all the juice that Charlie had made so willingly, then rested. By three o'clock in the afternoon, they were so tired they decided to go home, happy and satisfied.

His mother, seeing them arrive, put her hands on her waist and said:

- Wow! You were gone forever! You must be tired, I imagine! Would you like something to eat?

- No way! - said his father - We're full! We ate too much today.

Then she asked Charlie:

- What idea was this, Charlie, to take your father for a walk?

- Mom, I like it so much when he does this to me, that I decided to give my father a day just like it!

His mother smiled and the father hugged his son saying:

- Son, it was the best day I have ever had! I've never had a Father's Day like this! Thank you!

Charlie, with tears in his eyes, answered:

- Well, I did this by reminding myself of the times you took me for a walk on Children's Day! Happy Father's Day, Dad!

The three of them hugged each other, feeling great satisfaction and joy. After all, they had a different day!...




(Psychographed by Célia X. de Camargo, 24/07/2017.) 

Johnny Silveira / silveirajohnny@yahoo.com




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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita