
Year 11 - N° 527 - July 30, 2017


It is preferable to reject ten truths…

Leonardo Marmo Moreira discusses the threefold aspect of Spiritism - science, philosophy and religion - in the article Understanding the Threefold Aspect of Spiritism, in which he analyzes more closely the scientific aspect and its philosophical consequences. Here we highlight some excerpts, which are commented below.

"Communicating spirits also provide innumerable and compelling evidence that their respective states of relative happiness or their levels of personal suffering depend directly on the type of life they have on Earth, involving their choices, work, trajectories, moral failings, and spiritual attainments." (Leonardo Marmo Moreira, in the cited article)

Kardec tells us that the communications of ordinary or common spirits - without moral elevation and medium or even obtuse intellectual capacity - are wealth remarkable information, because they show, so to speak, ordinary life, those of the spiritual world, beyond to "illustrate" the law of action and reaction.

"The personal experience of all the 'dead' who communicate with the 'living' through mediums demonstrates the existence of Universal Principles, such as the 'Law of Progress' and the 'Necessity of Reincarnation', in this uninterrupted process of perfection of the Immortal Spirit." (Leonardo Marmo Moreira.)

Following the unfolding of the medianimic phenomenon, in a particular communication, the dialogue reveals the consequences of the transact acts and gives us the particular information of universal laws. It is more a wealth of information than an attentive observation can apprehend, as Kardec says.

"In addition, the scientific-philosophical body of Spiritism, the more studied and understood, must reflect on the moral consequences of the highest religiosity / spirituality for each adept." (Leonardo Marmo Moreira)

In order to understand the moral-religious aspect, reflection on the scientific and philosophical character of Spiritism is fundamental. Only with an enlightened and thoughtful base, this robust and well-oriented basis, it is recognized the religious and moral consequences of the doctrine codified by Kardec.

"Understanding, with logical bases, reality, we reflect on life and on ourselves profound spirituality and objectivity, being able to study ancient texts of Jesus and other enlightened Spirits in the light of the Spirit Doctrine in search of a constant spiritual maturation" (Leonardo Marmo Moreira)

Spiritism, says Kardec, is the key that enables us to understand the doctrine of Jesus. It illuminates the understanding of the doctrine of Christ, it also clarifies various manifestations of spirituality and, therefore, of religiosity.

"Erastus' recommendation in "The Book of Mediums" that ‘it is preferable to reject ten truths than to accept a single lie, a single false theory’ is still forgotten by many writers, exhibitors and leaders who work in the Spirit movement. The Spirit Doctrine prefers a slower, more gradual, and more secure conceptual advance than a flurry with no support in the 'evidence of fact', that is, without scientific basis. On 'utopias, we will expect them to come to fruition in natural facts', as taught in the text of the Kardec’s Codification." (Leonardo Marmo Moreira)

We are astonished to witness the phenomenon of the unreflective acceptance of impromptu theorists who bring novelties with no basis in acquired and well-founded knowledge. These include, especially, novels called mediums full of novelties that the unwary reader takes as truth, even when singular, as well as the absurd theories about who was who, detailed predictions about the future of our world, the advent of the world regeneration and complaining.

Is it holy innocence or ignorance? In truth we cannot affirm, but surely, absence of doctrinal basis.


Francine Prado - francine.cassia@hotmail.com




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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita