
Year 11 - N° 526 - July 23, 2017

Our commitment to God implies caring for our neighbor

"It is necessary that every task on earth in the field of professions is an invitation of the Father for man to penetrate the divine temples of work." (Clarêncio, in the book Our Home, mentioned by Marcus de Mario in the article "To have a diploma and be a good professional", one of the highlights of this edition)

There are professions and there is work. A profession is just a potential activity, which can be a learned skill in schools, or the transmission of the master to the learner. The divine temple of labor can only be attained by ethical and pious exercise (in the sense of dedication to God). Work has always divine origin, which invites all men to exercise this ministry.

"We know that work, according to Spirit teaching, is a divine law, which leads us to understand that practicing a profession is to respond to an invitation from God and not simply to ensure a secure job and a good salary." (Marcus De Mario, in the cited article)

"My brothers lost themselves in life at the cost of adventures" (Renato Teixeira, in Romaria)

Few accept to receive little; we generally seek the best wages and sacrifice what we need spiritually in search of illusions. The invitation of God bequeaths to man the opportunity to take discipleship, a true ministry. We have to learn this from most evangelicals. Their dedication to work, their professional ethics. My father always said we would be in good hands when we hired an evangelical. Of course there are exceptions which do not invalidate the rule.

"When we understand that work, and any useful occupation, receives such a classification by the High Spirits in The Spirits' Book (question 675), it is a constant opportunity for learning and not for demonstrating knowledge and for exercising authority over others, and serve God in the construction of the common good is to be in accordance with the divine law, so when we have this understanding, professional responsibility, ethical conduct and commitment to life will make of the diploma a record of service blessed by the light of love." (Marcus De Mario, in the cited article)

Any useful occupation is work. Studying, then, is work. Who never heard of a little boy who told his father and mother when he went to school that he was going to work? That is why, in Spiritism, the activities involved in charity are work; and that "work" is synonymous with high activity.

"To serve others with the motto of "love one another", taught and exemplified by Master Jesus, should be our distinction in professional practice." (Marcus De Mario)

Love, the impulse of every Christian and of most of the religious in the world. Because almost all religions consider love the summit of sublimation. And as Paul says, the apostle: "All who practice charity are disciples of Jesus, whatever worship they may belong to" (The Gospel According to Spiritism, Chapter XV).

"It is just to think in depth about what we do with our academic titles, because, repeating the writer Pedro de Camargo (Vinícius), 'it is not knowledge what the men of today need, responsible for the distressing situation of the days that run: it is feeling'.” (Marcus De Mario)

Our first commitment is with God. The second is with the neighbor. But commitment to God already implies caring for our neighbor, our family, and our brothers in Humanity, which Jesus expressly recommended to us.


Francine Prado - francine.cassia@hotmail.com




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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita