
Year 11 - N° 521 - June 18, 2017

In life we will never be alone or abandoned

The book Heaven and Hell is an important contribution to illustrate with real cases the mechanism of the law of action and reaction, how future sorrows and joys come about. But not least, it also characterizes the possible types of communication of Spirits of all spirit scale - except pure spirits, because they are not subject to matter - as a true guide of what to expect from the diversity of communicators.

In the article Action and Reaction, by Orson Peter Carrara, one of the highlights of this edition, which we cite below, outlines the most important moral aspects of this fundamental work of Allan Kardec.

"Now, it is the imperfections or qualities of the human soul that generate their happy or misleading actions. And these actions are characterized with the moral seal of the stage in which the being is situated." (Orson Peter Carrara, article quoted.)

We act according to the will of our hearts. We produce attitudes according to one's inclination and generate happy or unhappy actions according to the patterns of desire that move us toward the affects and dislikes that are peculiar to us. Each choice represents an attitude of attachment or liberation, in which we become happy or unhappy depending on the intimate disposition of wanting the good or evil of being targeted. We influence and are also influenced by the spirits who share our state of mind.

"Therefore, thoughts, feelings, and actions performed in the course of an existence generate reflexes in one's life, in the spiritual life, or even in the next or future existences, depending on the extent or severity of the action promoted." (Orson Peter Carrara, quoted article.)

Emmanuel said that in case of suicide, it will take two or more incarnations to heal the consequent injury in the perispirit, in addition to the Spirit passing through evidence similar to that which led it to suicide in the previous existence. The consequences of our actions are therefore adequate to the intention that has moved us. The merits and demerits are always in accordance with the negative or positive desideratum that we yearn for, that we cherish. André Luiz's book, Action and Reaction, clearly explains how the mechanism of atonement and its mitigation are processed, when this becomes possible in the face of our merits.

"The law of action and reaction, or the motto 'to each one according to its own works', is based on a perfect mechanism of justice and absolute equality for all. There is no favoritism for anyone. Acting well, we will have the merit of good. Acting badly, we will have the consequences. It is not a question of punishment, at all, but of consequences." (Orson Peter Carrara, in the article quoted.)

Everything is according to the acts, with the intention and with the merit. Intention and merit are the true of the balance. Let us be sure that in the law of compensation nothing is mechanical. It's not mathematics. The score are always added to the feeling and love of God.

"In everything, however, we must always consider the mercy of God, who never abandons his children and opens them without ceasing new opportunities for progress." (Orson Peter Carrara)

Each reincarnation experience ends the manifestation of God's mercy, or, to use a meaningful expression, the manifold grace of Providence. We are never alone or abandoned - we always have an invisible friend, a "guardian angel" who watches over us.

As much as we miss, new opportunities for growth come before us and we are sure that we will never be disinherited, because God, our Father, according to Spiritism teaches us, it is not only the Creator, but a Father who is sovereign just and good.


Francine Prado - francine.cassia@hotmail.com




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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita