
Year 11 - N° 520 - June 11, 2017

Woman, the guardian of home and family

The special issue of this edition deals with, as the title says, The Spirits’ Book, slavery and the rights between man and woman. Let's look at about the woman. We deal first with the quotations from The Spirits’ Book, also present in Altamirando's article:

- Are men and women equal before God and have the same rights?

"Did not God give both the knowledge of good and evil and the faculty of progress?" (The Spirits’ Book, question 817)

- Are the functions to which the woman is destined by nature as important as those given to man?

"Yes, and even bigger. It is she who gives the first notions of life." (The Spirits’ Book, question 821)

- Therefore, legislation, to be perfectly fair, should enshrine the equal rights of men and women?

"Of rights, yes; of functions, no. (...)" (The Spirits’ Book, question 822-a)

André Luiz's book entitled Spirit Conduct, so little-compelled, deserves to be read and reread from time to time due to the wealth of content that cannot be obtained in a single reading. This conceptual richness, in its simple language, but of a remarkable depth and a surprising concision, it deserves to be meditated as the whole novel series of this author. We highlight the following quotations addressed to women:

[The woman needs] "To become aware of the guardian apostolate of the institute of the family and her high task in the conduct of the souls brought to the physical renaissance." (Spirit Conduct, chapter 1)

The mother has an apostolate. As an apostle, she is sent with a mission: to be the guardian of the family; Guard, protect the domestic nucleus, ensuring the offspring a healthy development. She must lead, take the children together to follow in her footsteps, transmitting, with her example, the first notions of life. Mother's love is unconditional love.

[Women need] "To be attuned to the Christian teachings that it takes place the soul in the services of motherhood and education, in the duties of care and in the blessings of sanctifying mediumship." (Spirit Conduct, Chapter 1)

We are talking about women professing Christianity, hence the imperative to walk in tune with the Christian teachings, to be in tune with them. Motherhood is a corollary of woman, a natural and evident consequence of her wife nature. But domestic chores, even for those who work outside, cannot be an impediment to service and mediumship. Indeed, it is more than evident that domestic services today must be shared with the husband, even if there are servants in the household.

[Woman needs] "Oppose any artificialism that seeks to transform marriage into a simple sexual connection, without the beauties of motherhood." (Spirit Conduct, Chapter 1)

André Luiz considers motherhood a barn of blessings, a source of beauty. Sticking to motherhood, or avoiding it indefinitely, is a transgression of the Law of Life, which it calls for commitment to reincarnational programming, with the spirits destined to incarnate in the family. The cult of sensuality is the cult of selfishness and materialism. In this unfortunate practice, we are joined to the lower planes of spirituality, building a prison of difficult transposition.


Francine Prado - francine.cassia@hotmail.com




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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita