Spiritism For Kids
por Célia Xavier de Camargo

Year 11 - N° 520 - June 11, 2017

Spiritual Help

Bob arrived home after school feeling very tired. He sat down in the living room, threw his backpack on the floor, and spread out on the sofa. He closed his eyes and relaxed his body.

Suddenly he heard a noise in the room. It was his mother looking for something. Seeing her son, she asked:

- Hi, honey! Have you just arrived?

- Yup, Mom. And I'm really, really tired! Today was one of those days! What are you looking for, dona1 Judith? 

He asked, playing with her, as he always did when she was angry or worried.

- A document that I need a lot but cannot find! If I do not find it, I do not know what I'm going to do!

Seeing his mother so worried, Bob took a deep breath, filled himself with courage, got up from the sofa and started looking for the document too. From the living room they went to the bedrooms, then to the dining room and then to a room they called "the messy place".

But to no avail. They did not find it. Looking at the clock, his mother thought it best to stop looking and fix dinner. Bob took a deep breath, feeling grateful. He could not take it looking for that document any more, as he was already very tired because of school! He was glad his mother had given up the search.

Exhausted and contrary to his habits, Bob had dinner and went straight to bed. He loved to watch television or read a book before bed. But that night he got into bed, closed his eyes, and fell asleep quickly.

Later on, he woke up and left his bed to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water because he was very thirsty. That was when he saw his grandfather Felix, who had already passed away, enter the kitchen smiling:

- Hi, my dear grandson! How are you?

- All right, Grandpa Felix! How good for you to be here! My mother is looking for a document that she needs a lot but we can’t it! I felt sorry for her, Grandpa! She is very worried!

Grandpa Felix, standing next to him, said:

- Bob, tell your mother that the document is in the closet of the room I used to live in. OK? I will show you. Come with me!

And he took his grandson to the bedroom he occupied while he was incarnated. He opened the closet, and in one corner, along with other things, was the important document in a green folder.

- So tell your mother where the document is. Do not forget, Bob!

- I will not forget it, Grandpa.

They hugged and his grandfather left, satisfied.

The next morning, Bob woke up and got up to go to school. He felt as if he had had a dream with his grandfather, but thought it was silly. As he entered the kitchen to have breakfast, he saw his mother and remembered:

- Mom! Last night I had a dream with Grandpa Felix!

- Really? How is he?

- Very well. Even looks younger!

- And what did he tell you?

- Nothing. We talked about something but nothing important!

Suddenly, at the thought of what he had just said, Bob put his hand to his forehead:

- Mom, it was important! Grandpa came to show me where the document that you need is!

- Are you kidding, Bob?...

- No, Mom! It is true! And I know where the document is! Is it in a green folder?

- Yes, it is! Where is it? - His mother asked, excitedly.

- Come with me and I'll show you, Mom.

His mother accompanied him to the room his grandfather occupied while incarnated. Bob opened the closet and grabbed the green folder, showing his mother where the document was.

- Thank God! Well, I asked my father to help me find that document. He heard my prayers! Thank you, Dad! - she said, kissing the already yellowed paper.

- Did you see, Mom? Grandpa Felix wanted to help you. And we talked a lot. He told me that he is very well and, whenever he can, he comes to visit us.

That morning, after everyone was up, the mother told her husband what had happened, and at breakfast they said a prayer to Grandpa who had helped them through Bob's dream.

Never again they doubted the existence of Spiritual Life and that our loved ones, whenever in a position to help, are always around supporting us with much love.


(Psychographed by Celia Xavier de Camargo on 03/04/2017.)


1) In Brazilian society, Dona is a term of respect that is used with the woman’s first name.

Johnny Silveira / silveirajohnny@yahoo.com




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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita