
Year 11 - N° 519 - June 4, 2017

In the educational process, acts and examples are worth more than words

"This is, therefore, the main point to be highlighted: we are already love, peace and happiness, from the point of view of Jesus and many other sages of antiquity. The question would be to become aware of this." (Claudia Gelernter, in the article Education for self-love, one of the highlights of this edition)

We are potential virtuosos. If we have the divine spark in our hearts, it is up to us to unfold it. And this, of course, will be a consequence of time, in which we can accelerate the process or slow it down by inertia. The goal will be achieved, even if by force of things. Jesus sees in us, beneath the dark oppression of our inferiority, a gross gemstone that the trials will lapse.

"Yes, it is true that we still need the mistakes to get right. We are experimenting until we understand the best way. From this point of view, everything is as it should be, however, this awakening depends on us! With low self-esteem we follow the planet doing much damage, to us and to the world, beyond the necessary and the bearable." (Claudia Gelernter, in the article quoted)

When the apostle Paul met Jesus, his conversion was not a mechanical act. He understood the extent of his errors, but, consoled, he glimpsed the way to be followed. And Jesus warned him, "I will show you how much you must suffer for the gospel."

It was an awareness of his own mistakes, of a past of repeated disasters for him and for the world - up to this awakening.

Let us be attentive to identify the opportunity of this awakening, with the risk of letting go of the most favorable opportunity and, because of this, we fall into the vicious cycle of repetition of errors and nonsense that we will regret.

"We need to integrate every aspect of our psyche. We must recognize, welcome, and accept our imperfections so that we can dispose them. And this is a simple logic: what we hate, it binds us; what we love, sets us free." (Claudia Gelernter, in the article quoted)

The awakening of consciousness causes the unraveling of the unconscious contents that ordinarily guide our lives. Both happiness and unhappiness depend on these contents. The unconscious is the repository of all past life experiences, all behavioral tendencies, all impulses, and all desiring machine. All of them are vital aspects to the biopsychic economy.

"Parents are warned to teach their children first to love themselves as they are. And this is done by stating that mistakes are part, that they are rather imperfect, because apprentices, like all other humans and this condition never make them unworthy of love, rather, they need love to understand their true nature and fully developed." (Claudia Gelernter, in the article quoted)

More than words are acts, examples. Children observe their parents' attitudes. This is what can build or divert someone from the desired path. Far beyond our imperfections observed by children, they also observe our efforts to improve ourselves. This is edifying. It shows that our imperfections exist, but they can be combated, which makes it clear to the children that they are also imperfect, yet they can be improved. Making inferiority conscious is a step towards healing.


Francine Prado - francine.cassia@hotmail.com




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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita